But Mecha Sonc uses the energy of the Master Emerald and he transform to Super Mecha Sonic. Knuckles get free but have to stop Mecha Sonic. When plying as Knuckles, he got captured by a Eggbot but Mecha Sonic destroy the bot. When reaches to Sky Sacntuary, Mecha Sonic uses two of Eggman's machines to stop Sonic. To destroy, once and for all, Sonic, Eggman creates another mechanic copy of Sonic called Mecha Sonic. In the update i will bring the full version of the character! Special Thanks to DeviantArt for the sprites. Z made by Alvin Earthworm? I bring you Mecha Sonic with some move and sounds that remind Mecha Sonic in the series that soon will be revived by Alvin Earthworm again (i belive). File updated.Who ever watched Super Mario Bros. Some things fixed, some things still remains, especially sprites. Well that's all for now, I think you'll might get more feedback from other people.Ĭharacter needs more work to be good, but you did some good job after all. I'm saying this because I can make some big damage while tornado is still active. You must change the hitpause (Set hitpause = to 0) in the tornado helper and keep metal sonic spinning. Hyper attack, which can be performed with QCF_C, should be different. X and A normal attacks don't have clsn box in one frame. Also that attack is unsafe in the end, like I can hit metal sonic after his blast. Hyper attack, which can be performed with QCF_B, might have a different button combination, like one which I mentioned for first hyper attack. Also you have too many clsn boxes in that attack. Also you might change button combination for that that attack, like 2xQCF_A or 2xQCF_X or Y or Z. If I were you, I would add some velocity and fade in (not one at beggining with portrait of metal sonic) effect for that attack.

Hyper attack ,which can be performed with QCF_A (Down,Downforward,Forward+a), looks kind of off. Normal attack ,which can be performed in air with Z button, has a really bad sound loop.

You might edit the sprites to make those attacks to look good. Jumping attacks look weird, but only the ones which can be performed with A and B button. Taunt should have electric animation to fade out, because that will make taunt to look much better. Also some palettes makes other sprites to look weird. Some sprites have different palettes, that will make you the problem with your character, especially when you change the palette of your character. You might change the sound of Back dash with normal jumping sound. I suggest you to remove the the sound from walk animation, or change the sound of the run or walk animation. The sound for walk animation is annoying along with running animation. I can't do crouch normal attacks (except one hich I can do with C button), you might take time and make sprites for those attack, or set your character to use normal stand attacks while crouching.